Global Grid Settings

Use these settings to configure the layout of the scheduling grid and the patient demographic information. By default, the Demographics panel and the Navigation Calendar appear along the left side of the scheduling grid. This layout can be changed using the options defined in the following.

NOTE – Click the Save button when you are finished changing the Global Grid Settings. If you decide not to save your changes, you can click the Revert button to display the settings as they were upon the last save.

Use Vertical Screen Layout On Grid Page

Select this option so that (a) the Demographics panel, Navigation Calendar, and clock appear above the scheduling grid rather than to the left of it.

NOTE – If vertical screen layout is enabled, then an additional Banner Toggle option appears to the left of the Demographics panel for shrinking the banner size to provide more grid real estate.

Maximize Viewable Area

This option is activated when the "Use Vertical Screen Layout On Grid Page" option is enabled. Essentially, what it does is free the area in which the banner appears so the program has more space for demographic components  (i.e., the area in which the company logo appears).

Show Analog Clock

This option simply toggles the analog clock that appears on the grid on and off. The clock is enabled by default. Click the option to de-select it and hide the clock on the grid.

Show Resource Efficiency

Resource efficiency is enabled by default: Click the option once to disable it.

The efficiency metric is calculated as a ratio of hours the resource is scheduled versus hours the resource is available, and then it is expressed as a percentage. Block times and Not Here times in shift schedules reduce the hours a resource is available. This statistic will only appear in columns for resources in domains for which the scheduler has rights.

When contemplating using the efficiency calculations, users should be aware of the overbook threshold that has been configured for their resources. The overbook threshold is a parameter that controls the number of patients that can be scheduled at the same time before the program treats them as a conflict. For a complete review, see the Resource Scheduling Information section of Adding/Editing Resources and Resource Threshold View.

NOTE – The security right "Resource Efficiency" under Grid Features must be set to Full in order for the grid to display the Efficiency Bar. If it is set to None for the current user, the metric will not display any values even though it is turned on. This is monitored at the domain level in products that use them (i.e., security profiles are assigned per domain).

Show Schedule Compliance

The Schedule Compliance option provides reference statistics in patient columns regarding the minutes/hours a patient has been scheduled on a given day in comparison to the treatment time required in order to receive reimbursement. It is primarily an Inpatient indicator as to whether a patient (a) has been scheduled for the treatment time required by Medicare and (b) how far along that patient is in regard to their scheduled therapy for the day. The option is enabled by default. Click the checkbox next to the option to disable it.

Show Discipline Statistics

One of the features of case types is the ability to use procedure categories to define up to three disciplines of treatment and then use the hours scheduled for each of these disciplines as a display statistic at the base of patient columns. WellSky Resource Manager determines the time scheduled by adding the time for each appointment that is scheduled for a procedure belonging to one of the discipline categories.

The left example shows the compliance statistics. As highlighted in the tooltip, click to show the scheduled hours. Statistics for the first two disciplines are now displayed at the base of the column. The third is displayed in the tooltip. Simply click again to return to compliance statistics.

NOTE – This option is enabled by default, click it once to disable it. If the compliance statistic is turned on, it will appear first. Click the patient column base to toggle the scheduled hours by discipline. If compliance is turned off, then the hours by discipline will always show.

Show Canceled Appointments

By default, canceled appointments are removed from the grid. However, users who wish to have canceled appointments continue to display on the grid can turn on the Show Canceled Appointments grid preference. The reason for the cancellation or no show will also display on the grid and when hovering over an appointment on the grid. See the Display Canceled Appointments on the Grid help topic for more information.

Static Grid Now Line Pinned To

By default, the Now line displays on the Grid at the current time. The Static Grid Now Line Pinned To option allows you to customize the location of the Now line on the Grid by selecting one of the following options.

When the Now line approaches the top or bottom of the grid day, it will deviate from the configured position when the grid can no longer scroll to keep it there. A system administrator can copy a user's Now line preference to another user's settings via Data Maintenance > System and Security > Copy User Settings.

NOTE – This feature only applies to Monitor view (display monitors in patient rooms, gyms, nursing stations, etc.).

Obfuscate Patient Names Method

This feature is a means of masking patient names on the user's monitor: for example, you might use it to protect PHI on a monitor being used as a scheduling white board in a treatment unit. This option will limit the degree to which the patient's names are displayed on the scheduling grid and in the tool tips. Click the drop-down menu and choose from among the following options:

Compare the before and after in the following screen shot as an example of how patient names appear normally and when the first two characters are truncated.

NOTE – Our examples show additional PHI being used as display fields, so if you were going to configure a static user for public display, you would want to adjust the display field preferences so that none of the other patient information is included.

Auto Expand Overbooked Columns

This option controls whether resource columns are automatically expanded on the grid when patients are double-booked (overbooked). The feature is disabled by default for end users, but it is enabled by default for static users. See also, the Resource Threshold View.

Default Grid Print Scale Mode

Use the Print Scale configuration settings to control how the Print Screen report is output to your printer. Choose from the following options.

Grid Scroll Speed

This options affects how quickly you can scroll vertically through the grid with your mouse. It is set to Medium by default. Select one of the following options from the drop-down list.

Force High Latency Workflow

This option determines whether the Show Menu on Context Click Only check box displays on the Scheduling Palette as follows.

Weekly View Start Day of Week

This option allows you to configure which day of the week starts the weekly view on the scheduling grid. The default start day is Sunday. To change the start day, select a different day of the week from the drop-down.

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