Scheduled Hours by Discipline

Scheduled hours by discipline are reference statistics that display the time scheduled for as many as three separate disciplines at the base of patient columns. They are used to help IRF environments manage their compliance requirements in regard to the treatment of patients.

NOTE – Discipline = procedure category in WellSky Resource Manager.

In order to display values for scheduled hours, the following must conditions must be met:

The following example shows how these statistics appear on the grid once these conditions have been met. The compliance statistic are displayed by default (the left example). As described in the tooltip, click in the compliance statistic to show the scheduled hours by discipline. The hours for the first two disciplines are displayed at the base of the column. The hours for the third discipline are displayed in the tooltip. Simply click the base again to return to compliance statistics.

The tooltip displays when you mouseover the column statistics and shows all 3 discipline statistics at once. The time is displayed in hh:mm format. So in the sample illustration then, the patient has been scheduled

01:00 or 60 minutes in OT

00:30 or 30 minutes in PT

01:00 or 60 minutes in SLP

NOTE – The distribution of treatment by discipline is not only a good indicator of whether the patient is on track per their treatment plan but also allows you to determine where the patient might be able to fit some additional treatment hours if they are short in meeting the compliance requirements.

Key Considerations