Patient Demographics

For a review of the patient maintenance features that the demographic screens provide and a discussion of registration workflows, see Patient Demographics Overview and New Patient Case Mode. Otherwise, enter new patient information according to the following field definitions.

Complete the parameters according to the following definitions.

First Name: Enter the patient’s first name up to 40 characters. (Required)

Middle Name: Enter the patient’s middle name up to 40 characters.

Last Name:  Enter the patient’s last name up to 40 characters. (Required) Used as a sort option on Patient Search screens.

Preferred Name: If the patient prefers to be called by a name other than their first name, enter it in the text box.

MR Number: This field is an alphanumeric required field. It is not required to save the patient but it is used as a Sort By option on the Patient Search screens. Enter up to 20 characters. When this field is used—excluding blank records—it must be unique. In addition, the MR Number can be linked to the responsible party SSN, and if this is done, a valid SSN will be required for the field.

NOTE – Your patient entry workflow may be configured to automatically populate the MR Number if the Auto ID feature is turned on. In these instances, you will need to abide by the workflow the program administrator has configured.

SSN: The Social Security Number is provided as a second patient identifier that may or may not be used as a social security number. The field can hold up to 20 alphanumeric characters, and it is used as a sort option on the Search screens.

Gender: Click the drop-down to select Female, Male, or Unknown.

Birth Date: Enter the patient’s birth date in the format of mm/dd/yyyy or click the calendar button in the Birth Date field and select a date visually. Birth Date is used as a sort option on search screens. (Required)

Salutation: Enter the appropriate salutation for the current patient: for example, Mr., or Miss, Mrs., Ms., Dr. etc.

Address 1: Enter the patient’s address (40 characters per line).

Address 2: Continue entering the patient’s address, if needed (40 characters per line).

NOTE – See View/Edit Addresses at the end of this Help topic to add up to 4 addresses total for the patient.

Zip Code: Enter the patient’s zip code. The city, state, and area codes will populate automatically if the zip code is currently in the database. Otherwise, a Zip Code screen will pop up for you to associate the appropriate city, state, and area code. Use standard 5-digit postal codes with 4-digit extensions.

City: Enter the city (20 characters).

State: Enter standard 2-letter abbreviation.

E-mail: Enter an address up to 50 characters.

Home Phone: Enter a standard 10-digit phone number with the option of adding an extension up to 5 digits. This field appears automatically in the Demographics panel on the grid.

Work Phone: See Home Phone.

Cell and Fax: See Home Phone. These phones can be selected as an optional display fields in the Demographics panel in Patient Panel Settings.

Time Zone: Click the drop-down to select the time zone of the patient.

Picture: See the Photographs in Patient Demographic Records topic for a complete discussion.

Financial Responsible Party: Click Select to associate a Financial Responsible Party with this patient. If the required Financial Responsible Party is not in the system, click New on the Subscriber/Responsible Party Search screen then complete the record according to the Help provided on the Edit Subscribers/Responsible Parties screen.

Alternatively, select the Self-Responsible option to enable it. The patient's name will replace the Select button and the View and Remove links will appear. Click View to complete a few demographic fields (Subscriber ID, Marital Status, and SSN) that only appear when the patient is self-responsible. The SSN is listed here because the number provided must be in a valid SSN format. The SSN that appears in the Personal Information panel of patient demographics can be used for any number an organization requires, which may not be an SSN.

Primary Caregiver: Click Select to associate a Primary Caregiver with this patient. If the required Primary Caregiver is not in the system, click New on the Subscriber/Responsible Party Search screen then complete the record according to the Help provided on the Edit Subscribers/Responsible Parties screen. Select a value from the Relationship drop-down list to indicate the relationship between the Primary Caregiver and the patient.

If the Primary Caregiver is the same person as the Financial Responsible Party, select the Same as Financial Responsible Party option to enable it.

If the patient does not have a Primary Caregiver, click the Self-Responsible option to enable it. The patient's name will replace the Select button and the View and Remove links will appear. Click View to complete a few demographic fields (Subscriber ID, Marital Status, and SSN) that only appear when the patient is self-responsible.

Extended Demographic Fields

The following extended demographic fields will only display if they have been configured to do so by your System Administrator via Data Maintenance > System and Security > System Settings. See the Show Extended Demographics help topic for more information.

Gender Identity - Select one value from the drop-down list.

Race - Select up to two values from the drop-down list.

Ethnicity - Select up to two values from the drop-down list.

Preferred Language - Select one value from the drop-down list.

Sexual Orientation - Select one value from the drop-down list.

Smoking Status - Select one value from the drop-down list.

Date of Death - For a deceased patient, enter the date of death in the text box or use the Calendar icon to select the date of death from the calendar.

Cause of Death - For a deceased patient, enter a description of the cause of death in the text box. If a cause of death is entered, then a date of death must also be entered.

Any of the above extended demographics fields can be configured as a required field or suggested field by your System Administrator via Data Maintenance > System and Security > Required Fields. See the Required or Suggested Data Entry Fields help topic for more information.

All of the extended demographics drop-down lists except for Smoking Status include the following options.

Decline to Specify or Choose Not to Disclose option is available for selection.

A type forward option allows you to begin typing a value in the text area of the drop-down to pull up the matching values from the list.

Supporting Demographic Information

Patient Notes: See the Patient Notes topic for a complete discussion.

Reminders: These are on/off flags for features that are available as additions to the standard application. Three options are provided:

Files: See the Demographic Files topic for a complete discussion.

Additional Features in Patient Demographics

Patient Reporting

The patient description at the top of the patient demographics screens not only identifies the patient with whom you are working but also serves as a report menu for some common patient reports that you might want to generate in context of the current patient. See the Patient Demographics Overview for a discussion.

Go to Grid on Save

This option appears on the main patient registration screens and determines whether the user remains in patient demographics on Save or navigates directly to the scheduling grid with the newly saved patient context for scheduling. Enable the option to navigate away from demographics on Save. De-select the option to remain in demographics for additional patient entry. Users can configure the default behavior for this option in User Preferences > General Options.

View/Edit Addresses

The patient can have up to 4 addresses. By clicking the View/edit addresses link towards the top right of the screen, the Addresses screen will appear.

Click +Add another address and select or enter input into the fields that appear. To change the primary address, click Make primary under the address you would like to make primary and confirm the warning message that appears. The primary address will then proceed to display on the Patient Demographics screen. To delete an address, click Delete and confirm the warning message that appears.