Patient Cases

The case portion of case demographics begins with the Cases tab, which lists all of the active and, if you choose, discharged cases that have been created for the current patient record. From this screen, users can

In general, no information on the case demographic screens is required by the program for patient registration. A case is, however, required to schedule a patient. Because of this requirement, case demographic data entry is integrated into the normal registration workflow. Furthermore, if your version of the program includes domains, keep in mind that at least one domain must be assigned to any case that is created.

Although nothing on the case is required by the program to register a patient, each organization can create requirements. Users who try to save a record without entering required information will receive program alerts.

  1. Select Demographics > Patient Demographics from the Main menu.
  2. Complete the Demographics tab, and then click the Cases tab.
  3. Click Add in the case list panel. The case demographic screen will appear with the Case Information tab in context.
  4. Complete case data entry according to the definitions and description provided in the following topics.

Key Considerations

NOTE – In those organizations that use the Auto ID Generator to create the Case ID, administrators have the option of making this field uneditable.