Make Multiple Overview

Depending on your organization, you may be required to routinely schedule patients for more than one resource. For example, a patient might need to be scheduled with physical therapist and an occupational therapist. Alternatively, your organization may schedule rooms or equipment along with a provider. And whether you schedule multiple resources or a series of appointments for the same resource, each appointment scheduled may require a unique diagnosis, procedure, or set of instructions.

One method for scheduling would be to simply schedule a separate appointment for each resource by selecting a patient, a resource-time slot combination, and then making the necessary appointment, repeating until all of the resources have been scheduled. Alternatively, you could use the Make Multiple feature.

Make Multiple provides one of several scheduling methods for making several individual appointments for the same patient in one operation. Two other methods that you could use are (a) the Copy and (b) the Recurring functions. All three of the methods allow users to quickly schedule several appointments for the same resource and patient. But whereas in the Copy and Recurring functions all of the appointments share the same detail (e.g., authorization, procedure, instruction, etc. ), Make Multiple allows users to quickly schedule several appointments with the same or different resources and unique appointment detail.

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