Inpatient Column

The inpatient column, remember, is essentially a filter that reserves a column on the grid for patients (a) whose inpatient information matches the filter criteria or (b) whose inpatient record is associated with the team that is defined in the filter. As patients who match the filter criteria are registered, the column is automatically transformed into a regular patient column for that patient.

To create an inpatient column filter,

  1. Navigate to the scheduling grid: e.g., select Scheduling > Grid from the Main menu if necessary.
  2. Right-click over the column header where you would like to apply the filter.
  3. Select Assign Inpatient Filter from the right-click menu. The Select Inpatient Filter for Column screen will appear. If the column is currently populated with a resource, select Assign > Assign Inpatient Filter.
  4. Complete the parameters according to the following instruction:
  5. Inpatient Selection

    1. Nursing Unit: Click the drop-down and choose the appropriate unit for the column filter.
    2. Room: Click the drop-down and choose a room.
    3. Bed: Click the drop-down and choose a bed.
    4. NOTE – These fields are required for the filter. The data used to complete them is created in Data Maintenance > Inpatient Data.

    Team: As an alternative to a unit and room-bed filter, click the drop-down in the Team field to associate a team with the column filter.

    Show Appointments for All Active Cases: Enable this option so that whenever a patient who meets the inpatient filter criteria populates the column, the appointments for all of their active cases are shown in that column, not just those for the case on the inpatient record. Basically, when you enable this option you are automating the same option that appears on the patient column dialog (see the Patient Column topic).

    Column Settings

    1. Configure the Open and Close times for the column.
    2. Configure the Time Slot Length for the column. If the user chooses 24-hour Scheduling, the Open and Close times will be configured automatically.
    3. If desired, click the Set Default button to use the current column settings as the default for all patient columns. Once enabled, subsequent filters will use the same column settings automatically. Of course they can always be modified at any time.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. The grid will refresh with the following elements according to the filter type and the current patient population.

Key Considerations

NOTE – In order to show the 3d and 4th line of the column headers, you may need to adjust the column height in Preferences > Grid Display Preferences. The default height is generally only high enough to display two header rows.

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