Discharging a Patient Case

It is good practice to include a routine for discharging patients who have completed their treatment in the normal data “housekeeping” functions of the organization. Also, once patients complete their treatment, they should be archived. This maintenance keeps the size of the active patient lists to a minimum and makes patient searches faster and easier to accomplish. To that end, you can run the Inactive Patient List and the Discharged Cases reports, which, together, show the patients who have been discharged within a date range and who should potentially be archived.

Preliminary Tasks for Discharging Patient Cases

The first step to archiving a patient is to discharge his or her case. This will deactivate the case, and it will prevent the patient from being scheduled. Before the patient’s case can be discharged, however, the following must occur:

Steps to Discharge a Patient Case

  1. Navigate to the appropriate patient record (see Patient Demographic Overview if necessary).
  2. Click the Cases screen.
  3. Locate the appropriate case and click the Edit link. The Case Information screen for that case will appear.
  4. Click the Discharge button. The Reason Search screen will appear.
  5. Select the reason for discharging the case.
  6. If appropriate, edit the date. Either click the calendar button to select a date or click the portion of the date to edit.
  7. If the reason displayed is incorrect, click Change to correct it. Make sure the discharge date is still correct.
  8. Click Save when you have finished. You will be returned to the Cases screen. The case will no longer appear in the list. To view the discharged case, click the Include Discharged Cases option that appears at the top left of the case list panel.
  9. Click Save on the patient demographic screens to complete the process.

Reactivating a Case

In the event that a case was discharged in error or a patient returns for additional treatment after his her case was discharged but before the patient was archived, you can do the following to reactivate the case.

  1. Navigate to the patient demographic screens and select the appropriate patient.
  2. Click the Cases screen.
  3. Click the Include Discharged Cases option, and then, once the screen refreshes, click Edit in the appropriate case line item.
  4. Click the Un-discharge button.
  5. Edit additional case information as needed.
  6. Click Save in case demographics to complete the update.
  7. Click Save in patient demographics to save all of the changes to the patient.

Key Considerations