Add/Edit Authorization Screen

  1. Navigate to the patient demographic screens.
  2. Enter or modify the patient demographic data as needed.
  3. Click the Cases tab. Either
  4. Click the Authorizations tab in case demographics once Case Information is complete.
  5. Click the New button to create an authorization or click the Edit link in the appropriate authorization line item to edit it. The New/Edit Authorization for: screen will appear.
  6. Complete the parameters of the authorization according to the field definitions that follow.
  7. Authorization Number: Enter any appropriate tracking number up to 20 characters long.

    Description: Enter a description up to 50 characters.

    Status: Click the drop-down and choose a status from the following options:

    Open (the default value)




    NOTE – Open, Pending, and Closed authorizations appear on the Edit Appointment screen. Open and Pending authorizations can be assigned to an appointment without conflict. Assigning a Closed authorization to an appointment will generate conflicts and requires the appropriate conflict rights to include in the appointment.

    Date Received: Enter the date your organization actually received the authorization for treatment (mm/dd/yyyy).

    Begin Date: Enter the effective beginning date for the authorization (mm/dd/yyyy). Authorizations without a beginning date will list “No Begin” in the Edit Appointment screen.

    End Date: Enter the effective ending date for the authorization (mm/dd/yyyy). Authorizations without an end date will list “No End” in the Edit Appointment screen.

    Re-certification Date: This date field has specific use for some integrated partners. For one, it is a "trigger" date to re-certify a patient's authorization: their Plan of Care. Otherwise, use it as an additional date field for any need that you may have.

    Apply Authorization to Appointments on/after Begin Date to Appointments with: Users have the option to apply new authorizations to the appointments that have been scheduled for the case and that are within the effective dates of the authorization. Choose the appointments to which to apply the authorization using the following criteria:

    No Authorization

    A Pending Authorization

    An Open Authorization

    All of the Previous (click this to enable all of the options)

    Select the options in any combination that fits your current needs. Once the case is saved, the Posting Appointments screen will appear with a summary of conflicts. Address any that exist according to your business rules and then book the appointments. The authorization will be applied automatically to any appointments that meets the conditions you selected.

    NOTE – If you select a status of Closed or Denied, the header for this feature will change to You may not apply Closed/Denied Authorizations to Appointments and the options will be hidden. In addition, these options will not appear when you edit an existing authorization.

    Authorization Type: WellSky Resource Manager has the ability to track several different types of authorization, in addition to those based on Visits

    Click the radio button next to the option you wish to use. See the Authorization Types discussion for a discussion about completing the parameters for each type: Initial Visits, Used Visits, and Authorized Visits/Amount.

    Resource Types: The resource panel in the authorization creation screen lists all the resource types that are currently available in your system. If the current authorization has been issued for specific resource types only (e.g., physical therapist), then click the checkbox next to the appropriate types here. The effects of limiting an authorization are that

    If, however, resource restrictions are not associated with the authorization (i.e., no resources are selected), then the authorization will be available to use every time an appointment is booked for this case. Used visits will increment accordingly.

    Domains: If you use a product that has domains, you must assign the authorization to the domains for which it is valid. It will be available for scheduling only in those domains selected.

    Enter anything relevant to the current authorization.

  8. Click Accept on the New Authorization for screen to complete the authorization. The case demographic screen will refresh on the Authorizations tab and the new authorization will appear in the list.
  9. Do either of the following:
  10. Click Accept for new patients. This will temporarily store the changes you have made in case demographics until the patient is saved.

    Click Save for existing patients. Your changes to the case will be recorded, and you will be returned to the Cases tab.

  11. Choose whether to enable Go to Grid after Save and then click Save on the main demographic screens to commit the changes you have made to the patient record.

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