Static User

A static user is designed to allow the person signed in as the user to configure appointment schedules for display on a shared monitor—similar to a scheduling board for patient rounds, etc. This feature has very limited appointment management functionality, and it includes only basic grid functions such as

Scheduling and data entry functions are not available to Static Users.

To create a Static User:

  1. Select Data Maintenance > System and Security > Users from the Main menu. The User information tab displays with a new user.
  2. Verify that the Active user checkbox is enabled.
  3. Click the drop-down in the User type field and select Static User.
  4. Complete the User Name, Full name of user and Password as you would normally.
  5. Assign the user a domain license and select the relevant domain-security profile combinations. This establishes the domain appointment schedules the user has access to.
  6. Assign the relevant global rights according to the following descriptions:
  7. In general, none of the other global rights affect the static user, regardless of their current configuration.

  8. Save the patient definition once you have finished.

See the Static User Display and Navigation for additional information.