Scheduling Details

The first line item in the Scheduling Options provides the Scheduling Details. This section lists the basic "demographics" for the appointment, including:

When an appointment is displayed in the Edit Appointment screen, the details line should be expand to show the outlined details (as illustrated below).

When two or more resources are scheduled at the same time (e.g., a therapist and a room), however, only the date and time of the appointment are exposed.

Simply, click the right facing arrow next to a segment to expand the details.  

Managing Resources from the Edit Appointment Screen

The Scheduling Details panel not only displays appointment demographics but also allows users to reassign an appointment to another resource or add a resource segment to the appointment. See also, Multisegment Appointment Overview for a discussion about multisegment appointments.

Adding a Resource Segment

  1. While creating a new appointment or editing an existing one, place the cursor over the Scheduling Details heading and click once.
  2. The Resource Search screen will appear.

  3. Locate and select the resource whom you wish to add to the appointment. The Edit Appointment screen will refresh with the new resource segment.
  4. Click the right-facing arrow to toggle the details of the appointment from expanded to collapsed.
  5. NOTE – Segments can be removed from the appointment before you commit the appointment by clicking the Delete button . For example, you may need to remove a resource added in error. Once you save the appointment, the only way to remove a segment is to de-link it from the main a appointment and then cancel or delete it.
  6. Click Continue to commit your changes. The program will perform a normal conflict check and then post the new multisegment appointment.

"Moving" an Appointment from one Resource to Another

If for some reason the patient was scheduled with the wrong resource or if a resource cannot make an appointment, you can reassign it to a new resource from the Edit Appointment screen.

  1. Locate and edit the appointment that requires a new resource.
  2. If necessary, expand the appointment details so that you see the resource information.

  3. Click the resource link once: e.g., Xavier, Charles Francis in this example. The Resource Search screen will appear.
  4. Locate and select a new resource for this appointment segment. The Edit Appointment screen will refresh to display your selection.
  5. Click Continue to commit your changes.

Key Considerations


Adjust the duration on an appointment as needed. Consider an appointment that has been scheduled for 15 minutes but which actually requires 30 minutes to complete as an example,

  1. Locate and edit the appointment that requires a new resource.
  2. Click the right-facing arrow next to the date  to expand the appointment details (if it is not expanded currently). Choose an individual segment in the same manner.
  3. Place your mouse over the Minutes or Hours to expose the adjustment arrows.
  4. Click the Up arrow to increase the appointment length to 30 minutes.

Duration and Resource Time Slot Lengths

Another important consideration regarding duration concerns moving an appointment between resources who schedule in different time increments. For example, when a 15-minute appointment is moved from Resource A to Resource B (who schedules in 30-minute increments), a conflict list will appear stating you are not  using the entire cell for the resource’s time. If the appointment is scheduled, a jagged edge will appear at the bottom of the time slot for the new resource, indicating that the appointment ends prior to the end of the time slot. Of course the duration may always be edited manually.

Other Changes to Duration