Reassigning Tasks

Users who have the appropriate rights, may reassign a task to a different user,

  1. Select Workflow > Task Manager from the Main menu.
  2. If the task you need to reassign is for someone other than yourself, click the drop-down in the View tasks for User option and choose the appropriate user.
  3. Click the Reassign link in the appropriate task line item. The Reassign Task screen will appear.
  4. Click Add in the User Assignment panel to select the user to whom you wish to reassign this task. The User Search screen will appear. Select the appropriate user. Repeat for additional users as necessary.
  5. Where appropriate, assign the domains to which the task applies: Simply click the checkbox next to the appropriate domain. This serves purely as a visual indicator of the relevant domain for the task.
  6. Click Save to complete the reassignment and return to the Task List. Click Cancel to return to the Task List without saving any changes.