Alert When Referrals Fall Below Threshold Value
If your organization tracks referrals, the alert threshold will help you manage your patient care more efficiently by alerting you that a patient is nearing the end of their referred treatment. This will provide sufficient warning that the patient requires evaluation and that communication with the referring provider is necessary.
To enable the alert:
- Select Data Maintenance > System and Security > System Settings. The General System Settings screen will appear.
- Locate the alert option in the Options panel, and then click the checkbox once to enable it.
- Next, enter the appropriate threshold in the alert option provided.
- Complete any other system settings changes and then click Save to finish.
□ Alert when Referrals fall below threshold value
Visit Threshold for Referrals:x.
This option is used as a base for conflict checking that involves referrals, and it cannot be customized for each individual referral in the manner that authorizations can be. Basically, as a patient's referral count meets the threshold, conflicts will begin to appear as more appointments are scheduled, basically informing users that "hey, this patient's case (treatment plan) needs attention. Are you sure you want to continue?"